Tuesday 15 January 2013

The weak shall became strong

One of the most unforgettable experience is hitch hiking with an injured foot.  During one basketball game, I jumped and landed in an improper way and sprained my ankle.  It became swollen.
The next day we were supposed to go up to Fraser Hill.  We had already planned it the week before.  As usual we were divided into groups to hitch hike there.  Even though there was a van going up transporting the things but my leader insisted to let me hitch hike.  Everyone thought it was cruel to let me hitch hike because I walked in pain.  I took the challenge without murmuring in my heart.  I wanted to trust God to lead me there.
My group started walking to the main road.  We had to cross a road to go over to the other side.  Usually I could do it within a moment but this time I had to wait for a long time till there was totally no car passing by because I was slow like a snail.
I managed to cross to the other side of road.  Soon a car stopped to bring us to the outer main road.
Along the main road I need not walk much because vehicles stopped for us as soon as we put out our hand to hitch hike.
We must choose the right car in order to reach the destination as some cars went to different way and it would take longer time to reach.  Soon we reached the foothill.  Finally we had to thumb a lift to go uphill and everything went on smoothly.
In the end, my group was the first to reach uphill though I was at the weakest point.  Those who were strong reached much later.
We stayed in an apartment.  That night my friend offered to massage the ankle for me.  The more she massaged the worse I became. I was yelling in pain. Finally I gave up the massage and I knew that God wanted me to trust in Him totally.
I tried to escape when they played games outdoor but my leader made sure everyone was out of the apartment to the field.  Again it looked like torturing but I obeyed.  Though I could not run But I tried my best .
The next day we walked to the waterfall nearby.  I also followed.  To my surprise the more I walked the better my ankle became.
The following week I had to follow the mission trip to China as it was already planned some months ago.  I had to follow the trip.
By faith I boarded the plane to go to China.  It was not convenient for me but I managed to go through it for about two months.
It took me about three months to recover completely.  I did not take any medication or therapy.

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