Tuesday 22 January 2013

Fasting is good for our health

Fasting is a good practice.  Corporate fast is easier than fasting alone as everyone around you is not eating so there is less temptation to eat.  We used to do corporate fast in our living together community.
Fasting is good for our body.  It helps us to reduce weight.  Most of all it is a time of detoxication for our body and a time for our digestive system to rest.  Some people eat so many meals a day and their digestive system overwork.  It is good not to eat supper so that the next morning we can truly have a break fast.  I believe that is good for our body.
Before we start fasting we normally have a lot of fear and worries whether we can do it.  We usually underestimate what our body can go through.
The first time I participated in a fast I worried that I would become thin .  I also worried that I might not be able to gain back the weight.  After many rounds of fasting I realize that it is so easy to put on after that.
In our church we fast twice a year.  Twenty one days fast in the middle of year and forty days fast at the end of the year.  We have it for praying and spiritual purpose.
For the first week we only drink plain water.  For the first day it is not difficult as there is still some food in our stomach which we ate the day before.  On the second day we normally feel weak ,tired and sleepy.  Some people might have cold sweat and vomiting .  Our mouths will become dry and lips will crack so it is important to drink a lot of water.  We still work like normal days.
It is a religious fast so we do a lot of praying and Bible reading in between.  Some of us can continue the water fast for eight to ten days.  On one occasion my friend did it for twenty one days because God convicted her to do so so she had special ability to do so.
Normally our weight will go down half kg per day during the water fast.  After taking fruit juice or
milo drink the weight will not reduce much.
The greatest challenge is during the water fast especially when you are required to do some physical work like mopping floor, washing toilets.  I remember the first time I fasted we were having a project to clean up a drain which was filled up with soil.  It was real tough but we made it by the grace of God.  In between we took some milo drinks.
At the second week we will take some beverages like milo, barley drink and soya bean drink.  After taking the beverages the discomfort in our body normally disappears.  We will feel strong and energetic.
Then at the third week we will begin to take some fruits besides the beverages.  Watermelons and apples will be good.  Coconut water is very good as it cools down the body.  Eat in small amount as we are fasting.
At the fourth or fifth week we eat vegetables.  We either boil vegetable soup or fry it.  For the whole six weeks we do not take rice or any starchy food.
The result is: I feel much healthier.  The pain at my joint disappears.

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