Thursday 3 January 2013

Living together for fun - Boys addicted to computer

It all started with a call from a mother.  "Can you take in my boy?  I cannot manage him.  He seldom comes back home.  He indulges himself in computer games and the school has already kicked him out as he always plays truant.  He does not want to work but always asks for money.  He is my only son and the father has passed away.  I worry about his future.  Can you come over to see him and take him with you?"
A week later she called again.  "My son will only agree to go to your place provided his two good friends follow suit."  In the end we got to help three boys.
We decided to open up our family and extend the help to the boys even though we know it is not easy and we have to pay the price.  It takes sacrifice .
Soon the three boys came down with the mother.  We fetch them at the train station.  The boys look playful and rude.  They smoke and speak vulgar words.  How are we going to help them.
We prepared a room for the three of them.  Everyday we counsel and advise them.  We tried to limit their cigarettes.  We set some rules for them.  They are not allowed to speak any vulgar words at home.  No smoking is allowed inside the house.  They have to go outside to smoke.  On Sunday they have to follow us to church.  Twice a week we have worship and short session with them in the house.  They have to do some housework like sweeping, mopping and washing the plates.
We are helping them to live a normal life so that they will not over indulge in computer games.  We encourage them to look for job as they are not good in study.  They are only 15 to 17 years old and
they have to do some thing about their future.  They manage to find some work to do.  Two boys work in mechanic shop while one of them works in printing factory.
Since they started working they have to learn to shoulder some responsibility.  They are required to  put in some money for lodging and food.  At the same time we provide three meals.  Every morning we will prepare some lunch for them to bring to work . This will help them as they do not earn much.  They spend a lot on cigarettes, drinks and cybercafe and always overspend.  Only one of them manage to save some money.  He did not borrow money from boss and he seldom play computer games.
During the weekend they will spend almost the whole day in cybercafe.  However they have become better compared to the past.
With  these boys around we have to tolerate their noisiness when they play with each other.  Sometimes we struggle with the cigarette smokes.  The white wall turns black as they put their hands on it when they come back from car workshop.  The toilet is dirty after they use it.  They spoilt our eco bicycle .  We let them use as they do not have transport.  Somehow they simply use and the bicycle became out of shape. These are the things we have to bear with them.
These are not important as long as they could improve and become more responsible.  Hopefully one day they know how to appreciate what we have done for them.  When they become well we are able to take in other people that need help.

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