Wednesday 16 January 2013

Going for holiday at little cost

Travelling in the usual way is rather easy.  How about taking a big group of people from small children to the old with some mental problem people and go for holiday?  All by hitchhiking.
In the living together community this used to be our way of living.
We were planning a trip to Pangkor Island in Perak.  We were then divided into groups of three or four people.  Each group had a leader.  Some groups had to take care of one mentally sick person.  In fact each one had to follow their spiritual father except those who became leaders.  Some brief instructions were given before we started off.  The leaders knew where they were supposed to meet at Sitiawan , the last town before we could travel by boat to the island.

Every group hitchhiked there except for one van that carried things.  All the groups reached at different time at the jetty.  If possible we were thinking of getting free boat to the island.  In the end we managed to get .a half price boat tickets for the whole group of us to go over to the island.  The van that carried all the cooking utensils and food could not go over to the island so all the things were unloaded into the boat.  We parked the van at the jetty.

When we reached the island the leaders were again given the instructions as to where to meet.  Again we had to hitchhike to the particular beach.  The cooking utensils like gas stoves ,gas container, rice and so on were distributed to different ones according their ability to carry.  We had to carry our knapsack and sleeping bags plus some distributed items.  Every one was excited of the new experience.  Soon everyone reached the destination.
We put our knapsacks in order and the cooking utensils were put at a level place under some shade.
Those who were in charge of cooking started to cook.  We made tea for breakfast.  We cooked curry fish, fried vegetables and some simple dish for lunch and dinner.  We had bread for breakfast with some hard boiled eggs.  for cooking we went around the neighbourhood to look for water.
We played games at the beach and swam in the sea.  For bathing we went to the nearby area to use the toilet available.  Some areas we had to pay using the toilets.
It was expensive to rent a place for the whole group of 50 of us so we slept in the open beach.  In the evening we collected some woods to start a fire.  The fire gave light at night and helped to dispel the mosquitoes.  All of us slept in our sleeping bags around the fire.  We could hear the waves beating in and watch the twinkling stars up the sky.  This was indeed better than the five star hotels.
On the second night we could not sleep on the beach because it was raining.  We quickly move everything before the rain became heavier.  Thank God we found an unfinished project nearby.  It was supposed to be a centre for hawkers.  Everyone of us found a place to sleep at different parts of centre.  Soon we slept soundly.  In the middle of night someone started talking to herself loudly. She was one of the mental problem girl.  We were so tired so we just ignored the noise.  She kept talking till the morning. The next night we made sure her took her medicine and she was quiet.
Early in the morning we had morning prayer at five am on the beach.  Then the pastor gave some teachings.
On the last day early in the morning we packed our things and started to leave the place.  There were no cars early in the morning so we could not hitchhike.  Instead of having morning prayer on the beach we walked and prayed at the same time to the jetty.  It was about 7 km to the jetty. We walked in different groups.  Everyone enjoyed the trip.  At the jetty the same boat took us back .
There were order and obedience in our groups so we were able to mobilize the groups to do many things.  Everyone knew whom they must obey and everything went on smoothly.  We could travel at minimum cost.  Cooking on the beach also saved a lot of expenses compared to eating in restaurants.  We had been trained to cook in bulk.

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