Sunday 13 January 2013

Little money yet enough

If you were given just a little amount of money, would you be able to feed the whole family?
When I first started joining the discipleship training, I was put in charge of food.  I was given RM 200 to run the finance for food.  These money was for all the eight of us in the spiritual family.  From this we bought food, broom, soap powder and so on.  I was complaining all the while and always ran short of money.  I even argued with my leader.  With my human calculation it was impossible to live with that amou nt of money.
I realized it was pointless to murmur and complain.  God's way is higher than our way.  I started  to quiet down my heart and surrender to God.  I knew I could not do it.
One day I went to the whole sale market to buy vegetables.  As usual I had to be very careful with what to buy so that I would not exceed the budget.  I could only buy the seasonal vegetables which cost less.  I could only afford to buy small fish.
I walked about in the market looking for the things I listed down.  The market was very big.  It took me a long time to walk from one end to the other end.  Then I saw some workers throwing away some baskets of vegetables into the garbage room.  The vegetables were still in good condition so I quickly went in to collect the unwanted vegetables.  With these vegetables I could save some money because it was free.
Since then whenever I went to the market I would go in the garbage room first to look for vegetables which were disposed.  I even jumped inside the garbage container.  After some time other people also came in to look for vegetables so it became tougher for us.
However I was then able to manage the finance.  God had open a way for me.  Sometimes we  asked for unwanted cabbage leaves which they removed from the outer layer. To them it was rubbish but to us it was precious.
I went on for quite some time.  Later on some vegetable seller started to give us some vegetables which were even better than those collected from the garbage room.  Some stalls are so generous
and gave us according to what we want.
During weekend more people joined us for dinner.  It was always enough.
When we care for others and help the orphans, mental patient and problem youth, other people also respond and offer their help to us.

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