Monday 28 January 2013

Happiness of a simple person

Not everybody can survive well in the society.  There are weaker people who need the support and help from the stronger ones.  When they are young they can depend on their parents but their parents will grow old one day.  Some can depend on their brothers and sisters but some are unfortunate.
Ah Yong is an example.  He came into the centre when he was twenty two years old.  After many years he claims that he is still twenty two years old.  He does not know  he ishis age as he cannot count beyond digit 5.  He cannot recognize colours.  Everything to him is either red or black in colour.
Physically he is mature,tall and strong but mentally he is same like a ten year old boy.  His face has a weird look.  If you do not know him you might be afraid of him.  He cannot pronounce clearly so it is very difficult to understand what he is saying.  And yet he is so eager to tell you many things.  I could only catch what he means by guessing.
Most of the time he is cheerful but at times he can be very moody.  He is quite open and can share his feeling.  The most exciting time for him is going back home for Chinese New Year.  Every now and then he will ask you when is Chinese New Year as he does not know the time.
He likes new slippers and like to wear other people's clothes.  If you forgot to collect your clothes from the clothes lines , the T shirt will become his the next day.  Even though he is mentally undeveloped but I feel comfortable with him.  He is friendly and likes people.
He does things in a slow manner.  He can do things quite well like washing plates, sweeping and washing toilet.  His main job is washing the lorry and follow the lorry driver out to carry things.   When I took over the job of driving the lorry around, I was not familiar with the route.  To my surprise he was able to direct me to the destination.
The happiest time for him following me driving the lorry is drinking ice tea.  He always begs me to buy tea for him.  I would gladly buy for him ice tea packed in plastic bag.  After all he does not demand much in life.  He only wants to eat and drink tea.
During fasting time he becomes very cunning.  Often time he secretly went to the neighbour to ask for food.  When he followed me out to fetch things he would think of ways of getting food from the people .  But the people do not mind giving him food.  Even though he is simple minded but he can be very intelligent in times of his need.
Helping these people and be with them brings joy to my heart.  It is a joy to see them happy and being loved.

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