Thursday 10 January 2013

Clearing the jungle - unity is strength

What a person cannot do can be done by a group of people.  This is what happen when we unite together to clear a jungle area.
A friend from Singapore called for help to clear her bungalow lot that was left vacant for many years and turned into jungle.  Not only her lot was affected but also her friend' lots.  The neighbour opposite the lots complained about the vacant lots because it became a hiding place for the snakes and also the robbers.
Our church was called to help.  First of all to get the whole group of people there was a problem.  We could only afford to bring a van there to carry the cooking utensils and other things.  Three or four persons could follow the van. The rest of us about 25 people had to hitch-hike there.(I shared in the article hitch-hiking)
When we arrived there, the sight of the wild trees put me off.  Our leader divided us into six groups.  Two groups handled the electric chain saws.  Three groups used the 'parang' to chop down the small trees.  One more group was in charged of food and drinks.  There was no building for us to cook.  We cooked under the tree by the road side opposite the bungalow lots.  All the cooking utensils were transported there including the gas stoves and gas.  For cooking we had to ask for water from the people in the neighbourhood.  We bought the vegetable and meat from the nearby market.
I was heading one group chopping down small trees and shrub.  It was very hot in the midday.  We worked from morning to evening.  We chopped down the trees in the area allocated to us.  Sometimes the big red ants crawl all over our bodies and bit us.  We had to be aware of beehives on the trees so as not to puncture it.
The chainsaws were used to saw the big trees.  The main branches were sawn first  before we started to saw the main trunk.  The followers in the group would help to carry the branches to put into a heap to be burnt.  Everyone had to be cautious when the tree fell down.
We could not finish the work in one day as we had to do a few lots.
We cannot afford to rent a place for so many of us so we used sleeping bags and cardboard to sleep on the grass at the side of the road.  That was a lonely place and not many cars passed by.
We lighted some mosquito coils around our sleeping place.
On rainy night we moved to a row of unused shop lots.  We slept on the corridors.  Even though it was not a comfortable place to sleep but we slept soundly after a hard day work.
It took us four days to finish all the work.  Although it was tough but we felt strong after the work. It was an unforgettable good experience.  My inner self was being strengthened.

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