Saturday, 29 December 2012

Living together for fun - case 4

Kang came in like a skeleton boy.  He was only 14 years old.  He was extremely thin.  He refused to eat any food.  He only depended on nutrition beverage powder.  He claimed that he had constipation problem.  He did not realize it was because he did not eat at all.
When everyone of us gathered to eat our meal, he would just stand near the table staring at the food.  Since he did not want to eat so we decided to implement a fast on him.  We forbade him to eat anything including his nutrition drink.  This method worked.  After the 3 days fast he began to partake some food.  He pretended to cooperate with us while planning to escape.
Once he tried to escape from the toilet window.  He was caught before he could succeed his plan.  He managed to bend a metal bar on the window.  From that day onward we kept close watch on him.  He could not do anything but to follow our routine day in and day out like praying, reading Bible and study.  He was slow in study especially in Bahasa Malaysia and English.
One day he took an umbrella and jumped down from the balcony on the second floor as there was no way to come out of the building.  He thought the umbrella would served as parachute but it did not.  He injured his hand so instead of escaping he rang the bell and asked for help.  So again his plan to escape did not succeed.  He was warded in hospital for a few days.  Since thence he decided to stay in the centre.
One good thing about him is the ability to keep things neat and tidy.  But he is very slow in doing things.  We taught him to do different types of housework.  Later he was put in charge of feeding goats.  He proved himself to be very responsible in his work.  He did his job faithfully everyday though it took him long hours in the goat pen.  The busiest time for him was when the female goats gave birth to baby goats.  He had to help the weaker ones to suck the mother's milk .  Sometimes the baby goat's leg got stuck in between the planks on the floor and he had to rescue it whenever it happened.  Even during midnight.  He would wake up and ran to the goat pen when he heard the cry.
Because of his hard work his appetite became good compared to former times when he hardly ate. Now for each meal he eats at least two big plates of rice.  He put on weight and became chubby.
Thank God for the change in him.  From a sickly boy he became a strong and healthy boy.  He loves spiritual devotion.  That also contributes to his fast recovery and change.

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