Sunday 9 December 2012

Living together for fun case 2

Mr. Gan was a teacher in the 1960.  He taught for about 2 years and then fell sick mentally.  Since then he could no longer teach anymore as he did not recover from the sickness.
When I first met him ,he was in an old folks home established by a local church.  He was not happy.there.  He cried each  time we visited him.  But we did not know why and he did not want to tell us.
One morning something happened in this old folks home.  Gan wanted to cook instant noodle and had a quarrel with the maid in the kitchen.  His temper was rather bad too.  In his anger he took a dustpan and hit on the head of the maid and injured her.  Then the person in charge of the old folks home called up the police and he was arrested.  After the incident he was not allowed to stay in that place any longer.
When he came out of the prison after about 3 months he had no place to go so he went to a centre where i was working there.
After the prison experience he became dirty and did not like to bathe.  He was quite clean when he stayed in the former old folks home. He simply bathed and did not clean himself properly, hair not properly washed.  Sometimes he wore back the old clothing after bathing.  To encourage him to bathe I would buy body shampoo with strong fragrance for him so that I would be able to know whether he bathed by the fragrance on his body .
In the former old folks home he was not required to do any house work.  Food was prepared by somebody and clothes were washed by the washing machine.  He just spent his life eating,reading books and sleeping.  Here in this new place he had to hand wash his own clothes and had to do some housework.  As he had never done any housework before, he could not sweep or mop the floor at all..
As goats were reared in this center grass had to be prepared for the goats to feed on.  The other workers would bring in the grass by lorry which they cut from other places.  Gan had to chopped up the grass brought in as it was long with stalks. Surprisingly he was able to do the job well.  And it became his responsibility to prepare the grass for the goats.  He became useful.
After one year he became slimmer .  He was more fit and healthy.  Even though he had not fully recovered from the mental illness ,he was able to live a happier and healthier life than before.
In the first old folks home Gan was living a very easy and relax life.  He was not doing any work at all.  Life was easy as food were served on time for each meal and clothes were washed by the maid.  It was a meaningless life without any contribution  to the people around.  That is why old people must not be idle.  As long as they could move or do things they should keep themselves busy.
In the second place he has to do his work everyday.  Since he could not do any housework so he just do the part that he could do.  Besides this he has a lot of people around him that interact with him .  The spiritual environment of morning prayer and preaching also contribute to his mental health.

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