Monday 10 December 2012

Living together for fun case 3

Yin was sent to our care centre because she was not behaving in a normal way.  She acted like a kungfu fighter pointing her fingers at everywhere.  Her face was miserable and was crying most of the time.  Her mother did not know what to do with her.
After her mother left her with her I asked her to go to bathroom to bathe.  After less than two minutes she came out from the bathroom.  Her clothes were changed but I knew that she did not bathe.  In the first two weeks I had to help her to bathe and also to wash her clothes .
At first we gave a bed to sleep but found that she urinated on the bed almost everyday.  Then she was not allowed to sleep on a bed anymore but had to sleep on the floor so that she would not dirty the mattress anymore.
Then the next problem arose.  In the middle of night she woke up and stole the things from the drawers in the
room.  She liked to take things like cotton buds,sweets etc.  In the end we could not let her sleep in the room anymore.  She had to sleep outside the bedroom.  Then she began to steal the food from other places when everyone else  was sleeping.  We left no choice but to limit her movement at night to avoid all these mischievous acts.
It was my job to guide her to wash her own clothes.  I tried to encourage her ,love her and accept her even though she was terrible.  She could not read but she could listen and speak well.  So we also tried to teach her to recognize some basic Chinese words.
When we went out with her we had to be very watchful as sometimes she would just take something from the shop and put into her pocket. Every morning we were given some housework to do.  Even though she could not do the cleaning job well yet she was also allocated something to do.  She had to sweep and mop the staircase.  Extra effort and time had to spend on her to correct her.  You might ask why not leave her alone since she could not do a job well.  But I found this is a way to help this type of people as they cannot be left idle.
After a year we found that she began to change gradually.  She is no longer greedy for food.  She will not steal food anymore.  She was fat before but now she is slim and fit.  She is friendly,always smiling.  She is helpful too.  Of course she still has her weaknesses like untidiness.  But she is improving.
It is rewarding to help people and see them changed.

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