Monday 24 February 2014

How I learn to play guitar

Since young I love to see people playing guitar.  I always admire those who can play it.  I never thought that one day I could play too. 
During school days I bought a box guitar.  With the help of some friends I started learning guitar.  I followed the chord chart and practiced to press the chord with my fingers.  After pressing for a long time my fingers were painful and the skin turned hard.  After some time I was able to strum some simple songs. But I could not play when leading a group of people to sing as in our church gathering.
In the house gathering I had to depend on my pastor to play for me when I led song. When he was not around we had to sing without any music instrument.  Again I never imagined one day I would be able to play while leading songs in gatherings.
Years later I participated in discipleship training for many years.  It was compulsory for every disciple to learn guitar.  We learned in small groups and those who could play would teach the beginners.  I practiced according to the instruction of teacher.
Without environment I could not go far. Every week I had the opportunity to follow a pastor to a house church.  This pastor could play guitar very well.  He played for the song leader at the house church.  I quickly grabbed hold of the opportunity by bringing my guitar along.  While he played I imitated his style.  I played softly so that I would not cause disturbance.  These went on for some time and slowly I gained confidence to play.  I was given the opportunity to take over the guitarist role. 
At the same time the guitar training continued in church.  Soon they put my name in the worship duty list to play for church worship service.  I was excited and yet worried whether I could do it well on stage.  I practiced even harder because in church worship I had to use electric guitar.
The day came and I played in the front with the electric guitar.  I was nervous and scared to make mistake.  In fact I concentrated on playing correctly and did not worship at all.  I was comfortable with the slow songs as I did not have to move my fingers fast.  I struggled with the fast songs as my fingers were not fast enough and I still have to looked at where I pressed.
Practice makes perfect as time goes on I am now able to switch chord rather easily and quickly.  I need not look at my fingers.
Mind you I only started learning guitar seriously at the age of 42.  Now I am in the late fifties and I still play guitar for church.  I find it a very good exercise for fingers.  No chance for the fingers to be stiff.
Thanks to the convenience of you tube.  I can improve and upgrade my skill whenever I want to.  There is no end to learning.  I want to improve further.  Learning is fun!

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