Monday 8 April 2013

Trip to NewZealand part 1

Newzealand is my dream country to visit.  My son and wife went there to work and tour for about 9 months.  Two weeks before they came back my husband and I took the opportunity to visit the country together with my daughter.
We did not join the tour group but traveled on our own.  Earlier on Air Asia provided direct flight to  Newzealand.  Now we had to take a transit from Singapore.  Changi Airport is beautiful and clean. Food is not too expensive.  I particularly like the Awang Stall there.  With about six dollars Singapore money, I could enjoy a bowl of curry mee ,two slices of toasted bread and a cup of coffee, all satisfying.

We flew across the continent of Australia and soon we reached Auckland.  It was winter time in Newzealand.  I had not experienced winter before so I was quite worry whether I could stand the cold.  I managed to get a winter coat back home in my country.  It was good and cheap though I got it from a second hand shop.  The weather was cold but bearable.
My son and wife waited for us at the airport.  We were not allowed to bring in any food at the airport.  We drove a short distance to have breakfast at Mc cafe.  My son bought a stationwagon for travelling.  Cars are cheap here.  We managed to put all our luggage inside the boot.  My son and wife had stopped working and packed up everything to travel with us.
In tropical country we see tall trees everywhere.  Now I could see large areas of pasture with few trees.  We wanted to stop and take photogragh but my son said there were better scenery along our journey later on.  But the first sight attracted us so much.
Along the way we saw many pasture land with a lot of sheep.  It was common there.  We saw some fruits being sold at road side.  Nobody was there but any buyer would just put the money and take the fruit.   In my country we could never do that.

For the first night we stayed in a motel in Taupo.  We rented a place where we could cook.  We had bought some food at hypermarket.  We baked some oysters.  It was cheap.  Everyone of us helped to prepare food and soon the dinner was ready.
After the hot water bath, I felt stronger and could resist the cold as it was getting colder at night.  The toilets were in another building about ten meters from our room.  In the middle of night I struggled to leave my warm blanket to go to the toilet as it was very cold outside.  I had to run fast
to and fro.

The next morning the windscreen of the car was covered with a thin layer of ice.  I used to complain about too much sunlight back home in my country but now I yearn for the sunlight.
I felt happy with the surrounding.  The land is big but the population is small.

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